Principal’s Message

Dear Parents and Students,

The purpose of education is to give nourishment to the body, mind, heart, and soul. The echoes of Swamy Vivekananda “You consider a man as educated if he can pass an examination and can deliver a good lecture. However, an education which does not help the common masses to equip themselves for the struggle for life, which does not bring the strength of character, the courage of a lion is not worth its name”, should strike a chord in the hearts of all of us.

Our education must be value-oriented. Values refer to abstract qualities and ideals that human beings cherish, desire, and consider desirable. Values can be categorized as universal, cultural, and individual. 

Universal values form the foundation for enjoying a fulfilling life. These values can be experienced and realized such as love, joy, compassion, humor, truth, peace, respect, beauty, and justice.

Cultural values are necessary for maintaining social order and are reflected in language, ethics, aesthetics, education, law, religion, philosophy, and social institutes. Interpretation of cultural values as universal values results in intolerance, aggression, oppression, and terrorism.

Individual values are our private and personal principles and are reflected in individual goals, preferences, and commitments. In extreme conditions, these may result in ego clashes, identity crises, and value conflict.

Education must train individuals for the present age, an age which has so much to contribute to human fulfillment. This is possible in India due to our ancient traditions and their modern interpretation by outstanding personalities.

The prescription for healing the soul of India is self-discipline and value-oriented education. It is our endeavor to keep up the objective of value education to promote integrity in children.


With best regards,